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Maximising your Race Potential over 45

Course Details

Course Dates


Entry Closed

Course entries open 19/04/2023 12:00am and close 19/05/2023 1:00pm

Course Information

Maximising your race potential over 45

Target Audience: Age Group athletes aged 40 years and over

Course Outline: This session will be led by Simon Ward speaking from his experiences, providing considerations and discussions around what happens to our bodies as we get older and what steps we can take to slow down the reduction in performance whilst preventing injury. The session will also consider the biopsychosocial aspects of training and help you consider your training plans and patterns going forwards. 

Tutor: Simon Ward

Simon Ward is a health, wellness and performance coach.

For over 25 years he has been a life coach for triathletes, helping thousands of athletes navigate the challenges of life to stay healthy and arrive at the start line in the best shape possible. His current purpose, driven through lived experiences, is to understand and share the best ways to adjust training and living habits to maintain peak human performance in midlife and beyond.

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